Likely we can all think of adults who we connected with when we were a kid. What was it about the interactions that bolstered the relationship?
Bay State Shares “Sam’s Story”
The stories of young people at Liberated Learners centers who came from a conventional school environment where they struggled to fit in are always deeply moving.
The Self-Driven Child: Making it possible
The goal of Liberated Learners centers is to support teens to leave traditional school and to start living the lives that they want for themselves now. The approach begins with having kids take more direct control over their lives.
A Cycle of Unlocking Opportunities
Seth Godin writes at times about education as a system, that it’s more about “stealing dreams” than offering opportunities to learn and master new skills.
Does This Count…
… is a question I hear frequently – the last time being 1 pm Friday afternoon, from a Deep Root Center teen at the end of our mentoring session.
Is Your Child Having a Rough Start to the Year? 5 Reasons Your Family Might Consider a Semester Away from School
Unless you’re a homeschooling family, your child or teen has been in school for many years. Consider this a sabbatical. Everyone can use a sabbatical.
The Mentoring Effect
Mentoring is without a doubt the part of the “PLC magic” that we most value. It’s more important than just about everything.
Who We Serve and How
How is it possible to take a diversity of students from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, skills, and abilities, and support their transformation from disengaged, disenchanted, and/or disruptive to inspired directors of their own lives and educations?
Trusting in Trust: One Parent’s Practice
Being a parent is rough, right? Let’s not talk about the physical challenge of growing and birthing a whole human being…. Let’s talk about the fear.