“Common Core-aligned” has become the quality control test by which we measure a legitimate education. Perhaps, “Common Sense-aligned” is a better marker of a solid education.
Joel Hammon Featured on Blake Boles’ Podcast Off-Trail Learning
Joel talks about quitting teaching, starting Princeton Learning Cooperative, and supporting others to create centers using the Liberated Learners model.
Teacher Liberation
Check out my recent TEDx talk, Teacher Liberation. The primary focus was reaching educators who love working with young people, but are frustrated by the traditional education systems.
Does This Count…
… is a question I hear frequently – the last time being 1 pm Friday afternoon, from a Deep Root Center teen at the end of our mentoring session.
Is Your Child Having a Rough Start to the Year? 5 Reasons Your Family Might Consider a Semester Away from School
Unless you’re a homeschooling family, your child or teen has been in school for many years. Consider this a sabbatical. Everyone can use a sabbatical.
The Mentoring Effect
Mentoring is without a doubt the part of the “PLC magic” that we most value. It’s more important than just about everything.
Move over, Rigor
Years ago, a good friend of mine said something that just stuck with me. “I could care less about rigor”—surprising words from an honors-level high school teacher. “What I care about is vigor.”
Why an “Alternative” Learning Center?
The key word here is “learning.” Learning is a biological imperative. Humans learn or die.