How is it possible to take a diversity of students from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, skills, and abilities, and support their transformation from disengaged, disenchanted, and/or disruptive to inspired directors of their own lives and educations?
Move over, Rigor
Years ago, a good friend of mine said something that just stuck with me. “I could care less about rigor”—surprising words from an honors-level high school teacher. “What I care about is vigor.”
What Does it Mean to Be Educated?
By Ken Danford. Blake Boles has been writing and speaking about self-directed learning for over a decade, most recently for the Alliance for Self-Directed Education. In his article What Does it Mean to Be Educated?, he offers a somewhat historical perspective of where we are in the long-term arc of public education in the United States. As Blake points out, schools …
What Happens to Self-Directed Learners?
Even in the world of alternative education, North Star: Self-Directed Learning for Teens is a hard program to fully grasp. Along with our “teen panel” approach to explain the success of our model, we now have outcomes data to bolster the case.
Building Community
We all rely on others for emotional sustenance as well as most of our basic physical needs. The best (easiest) way, I believe, to meet those requirements is through collaboration while participating in community.
Opting Out in a Bigger Way
Schools are gearing up for another round of standardized tests. Families are rightly opting out of these tests. Tests measure a very narrow range of skills and abilities—they can’t possibly measure what we value most in young people: creativity, inspiration, kindness, curiosity, collaboration.
Why an “Alternative” Learning Center?
The key word here is “learning.” Learning is a biological imperative. Humans learn or die.
Changing a Life in Eight Minutes
“Hi, this is Angie. My son is 16. He is an artist. He’s terrific. He has had some great summer experiences, he works with a professional artist, and he has a full vision for what he wants to do. But he hates school.”
Trusting in Trust: One Parent’s Practice
Being a parent is rough, right? Let’s not talk about the physical challenge of growing and birthing a whole human being…. Let’s talk about the fear.