Changes to LL Membership

world map showing pins for centers and inquiries to the LL network

Liberated Learners would like to become a more welcoming and expansive organization. We have met hundreds of people interested in the field of Self-Directed Education through our free webinars over the past several years, and we are inspired by the many individuals and teams making this approach more accessible for youth and families around the world. We have enjoyed coaching many people through initial conversations and start-up consulting. Now we are adjusting our Liberated Learners membership criteria to encourage more of these allies to become long-term colleagues with us in this work.

Our changes include:

  1. Eliminating the “Joining the Network” Fee: There is no longer a fee to join Liberated Learners. We have been charging $4,500 over the first 18-24 months of membership. As of 2022, existing self-directed learning programs that meet the Liberated Learners principles may join by paying the regular annual fee.
  2. Changing the Annual Fee: As of 2022, the annual fee is $50/month ($600/year.) Our annual membership fee for centers in the network has been 1% of the prior year’s revenue up to a maximum of $1,500.
  3. Liberated Learners welcomes LLCs and other business models. In the past, we have strongly encouraged new programs to be not-for-profit organizations.
  4. Liberated Learners welcomes programs that use the word “Academy” in their names. 
  5. Individuals running a program on their own may apply to join Liberated Learners. In the past, we have required that individuals demonstrate that they have a team in place before they could apply to join the network.


Liberated Learners offers two services, broadly speaking: 1) Consulting with others to share our approach and support the creation of centers in other communities, and 2) Providing mutual support for the centers in the network. 

We are accomplishing the first goal through our offer of free monthly webinars, individual consulting for $75/hour, and a six-session/$1,000 Starters program to complete a planning document, or blueprint, for creating a center.

We are accomplishing the second goal by having frequent contact of staff and board members at our various centers through a Google Groups email platform, hosting a bi-monthly video chat to discuss topics at greater depth, offering classes and tutors online to members at each other’s centers, and conducting network-wide special events such as author talks and documentary screenings. See the full list of network offerings on the Join the Network page.

Our network is currently composed of nine programs. We know many people are doing similar work and would contribute vision, energy, and creativity to our group. We are making the changes listed above to make joining Liberated Learners a mutually beneficial choice for many more programs. If you are interested to explore joining the network, please be in touch.

[In the above map: purple star = member center; yellow pin = starters program; orange dot = inquiry/connection]